Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Workshop Weekend and Headshots!

Anyone that knows me is well aware that I am a pageant almanac (in the least creepy way possible, I promise).  So much so that sometimes I forget that these women who have been state titleholders over the years are actually real people.  For example, when I attended Miss New York last year as a spectator and saw some of my absolute favorite contestants… ever, I was STAR STRUCK, but truthfully it motivated to get back into the game.  This year in particular has introduced me and allowed me to get to know so many of these women on a personal level, but each time I see them I am still hit with that initial moment of “I cannot believe I just had a conversation with (insert any number of titleholders here)”. 

Ok, enough about my shock and awe… onto the weekend (I promise it all ties together somehow!)

Sometimes the hardest thing about traveling to and from the city is figuring out how to get from the airport into Manhattan.  So in an effort to try something different, I took a bus.  This particular bus arrived 1.5 hours late and over the course of the entire trip put me back a solid 2.5 hours with a total trip time of 8 hours… ugh.  That said, nothing was going to dampen my spirits for the coming days.

My lovely mentor Amanda Beagle (Miss Ohio 2004 and talent winner at Miss America) and I ventured to the Isle of Staten for the Miss NY workshop.  The day was long, but I won’t lie, having full-blown pageant fever again is AWESOME!!!  Hearing Kaitlin talk about her year as Miss New York gives me goosebumps.  Even though only one girl gets to follow in her footsteps I am working hard, keeping my fingers crossed, and wishing at 11:11 every night that it’s my name they call!  Then again, so are 25 other young women.
All the contestants at the St. George Theatre in Staten Island!

I had the pleasure of having dinner with Amanda and my wonderful hostess for the weekend, Gina Valo-Miss Michigan 2007.  I loved hearing about how being involved in the MAO has shaped their lives and how everything just falls into place and happens as it should, you just have to trust that.

… Sunday!

Photoshoot time with Claire Buffie, Miss New York 2010.  The woman is outrageous. Period.  I swear she manages to find an extra 10 hours in the day somehow.  She is a student, an employee, head of her own company, and such a massive contributor to the MAO organization… and even with all of these she is still SO real, genuine, and plain old fun!!  So Claire and Hair and Makeup Artist Lindsay Zelli came over bright and early to get these photos going!  Zelli is unreal.  I LOVED that I couldn’t see any of what she was doing until the very end, I just had to trust the peanut gallery’s (Claire and Gina) fun commentary.  I must say Miss Zelli… ya done good!

We shot two looks outside the NYU library… and I’m sure ticked off plenty of students in the process- oops!  Claire and Zelli were an absolute blast.  Their excitement definitely rubbed off on me and helped me relax and I am SO pleased with the final product! 
My favorite four headshot options for Miss NY

I worked with Amanda on talent in the afternoon.  My gosh, the woman knows what she’s talking about.  I am so pumped to keep working on my song “Gimme Gimme” and show the judges and the audience how far I’ve come when June rolls around.

Gina cooked an AMAZING dinner: chicken, asparagus, and sweet potatoes.  Gina, Amanda, and Mallory (Miss NYC), and I chowed down while we chatted about hot topics, current events, and other interview prep questions.

Unfortunately, the night flew by farrrr to quickly and before I knew it I was back on the bus heading to good ole Buffalo!  This blog really doesn’t do this past weekend justice, since so so soooo much happened, I’m sure I left plenty out.  
Katelynn (Miss Empire Rose) with her card!
Mallory (Miss NYC) made one too, but she was camera shy!

Our friend Brittanie's family all making their cards!

Thanks to all for the support, words of encouragement, and lovin’ I have received.  Keep spreading the word about 1000 Cards, 1000 Dollars… Send me your cards and make your donations!


  1. I know what you mean, Jesse. I met Nicole Johnson, my favorite Miss America ever, last year at our gala, and almost started crying, I was so excited!

  2. I would absolutely be that way with Heather French. She was the first Miss America that I really connected with and idolized. Plus, I would SO wear the dress she won in... stunning!
